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Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligence

One of my professors at Harvard University, Dr. Howard Gardner, has spent over 20 years researching and writing articles about Multiple Intelligences.

Dr. Gardner noticed that people and schools typically think of intelligence through a limited viewpoint, but people can be smart in many different ways. The Multiple Intelligence theory defines at least nine different forms of human intelligence.

  1. Intrapersonal
  2. linguistic
  3. Logical / Mathematical
  4. Naturalist
  5. Existential
  6. Spacial
  7. Musical
  8. Interpersonal
  9. Bodily / Kinesthetic

You will probably find that you have interests in more than one area. Each section also includes suggestions for possible careers which might be a good fit for you.

Recognizing your personal strengths will help you build confidence in your own intelligence.

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